With the call to head to Cubadupa in Pōneke this year, MJ and I decided “ROADIE” where we could tick a few boxes.
So we packed our bags and headed south last Friday, telling Margot and Olivia we'd be off at 6 to beat the traffic. Fast forward to MJ finishing her wordle and texting the crew, only to be asked “Where are you?”. "Still in bed," was the answer. "But it's 8 o’clock!" Needless to say we didn’t get going until about 10.

So, we managed to arrive at Taupo for a late lunch - a quick stop at one of our favourite local cafés, Replete.
The Desert Road didn’t disappoint, as usual because it is one of my Fav roads.

Hitting Wellies about 7.30, we caught up with our daughter Frankie in her new flat in Island Bay, so proud of her!!!

Then we checked into The Museum Hotel, a little luxury for us both for the weekend. We also managed to snap a late table at Kisa on Cuba Street. The Brussel Sprouts are to die for!

Saturday started with a quick walk around to Oriental Bay and breakfast with friends, then the rest of the day was all about Cubadupa. MJ’s mum, her hubbie, a cuzzie of mine and a few friends met us at midday to see Frankie play her set at Valhalla... what a throwback to my early years... how the world turns - Rock and Roll Baby! Then we ate, drank, danced, and partied the day away until almost midnight, it was so lovely finally falling into a nice bed at the end of the day.

We were up super early Sunday which saw us deliver a couple of pieces of artwork to a client in Petone… a lovely Aimee Gruar Mandala and an Alexis Neal Poutama Print.

Breakfast was at Floriditas on Cuba, a solid and regular spot for us. Next was a catch up with Tim Christie in his gallery on Ghuznee Street to discuss his upcoming exhibition and we met his 6 month old puppy, all excited and ready to chew anything in sight.

So it was Beers and Burgers for Lunch at the Parrotdog Brewery out in Lyall Bay where we met up with our contingent of Wellington Artists. Lovely to met up with Anna B, Cam Munro, Sheree Willman, Melissa Young, Tim Christie, Natalie Holland, Hikurangi Edwards, Michele Irving and their partners and families…

Hikurangi dropped us a new piece… to be used for next year's calendar, so some lucky person will be able to purchase that real soon.

Afterwards we popped into a potentially new ceramic artist, but that’s for another time.
Sunday was an early dinner and back to the hotel wine bar for a couple of cheeky Charddies and a decompress.

Best intentions to get away early in the morning were thwarted by breakkie at Maranui Surf Club, then we were off to catch up with Michele Bryant and her roving Rabbit. So lovely to catch up and wag the chin…… Last stop in Wellies was a quick stop to see Sheree and pick up some new pieces for the store.
Getting out of Dodge around midday our trip home was always going to be a long journey. Stop in Levin for the obligatory Sausage roll and sandwich and off again.

Quick stop around dinnertime in Taupo to see Chris Jones, one of our amazing Glass Artists, to pick up some works and watch the ducks. He has half a dozen Indian Runners that waddle around the farm. Sadly, they wouldn’t let me pat them.

Off again, MJ behind the wheel. Once on the Waikato Expressway I was in a light sleep until there was a thump thump thump... awakening to the scary realisation we had a flattie at 110kmh, and what a flattie it was, even the AA Guy said he hadn’t seen one this bad for a while.
We finally managed to get home before midnight and us turning into pumpkins, tired but full of experiences and a little fuller due to all the good company and drinks.