Collection: Stacey Moana Smith

Stacey Moana Smith - Ngapuhi, Ngati Kahu


Stacey is a fibre artist, particularly interested in muka (N.Z. flax,fibre), and stone tools. Stacey uses muka in the manufacture of korowai, poi, kete, stone tools, and different types of cordage.

Stacey have studied at Elam Art School, and at Auckland University under the guidance and teaching of Dante Bonica - it all started for Stacey, when she learnt to make a piece of string from flax fibre.

Stacey enjoys living in rural places where she can easily to know the taonga of the natural environment. Stacey often use flax, raupo, bone, shell, gourd, stone, feathers, wood and barks for making dyes. Stacey always try to use old school Maori methods and tools to make every part of each artwork Stacey is working on.

Stacey has always been so appreciative to her grandparents, parents and her teachers, Dante, for showing her the amazing resources of nature and the clever methods our tupuna had to work with it.




Price: $0 – $275
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