Collection: Riperata McMath

Te rawara mete autauri, Ngāti awa
Riperata McMath is a Whangārei based contemporary weaver.
In making her unique and colourful Kete, Riparata uses methods taught  during her Traditional Māori arts certificate training at Polytech. She harvests her own Muka, dyes it and prepares it using traditional ways. When it comes to the handles of her Kete, Riparata has developed her own method of weaving to make them last well during everyday use.

Some of the patterns presented in Riparata's work are traditional, others are created on the fly. Riparata sees a vision in her head and creates the patterns as she works. "It's about my journey in life. In life you go here there and everywhere, up and down but you also continually go forward. When I freestyle the pattern it goes on how I'm feeling".
We are proud to support Riperata McMath!
Price: $0 – $395
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