Well here we are again... As we are Auckland galleries we were thrown back into level 3 basically overnight with the doors to our wonderful galleries closed to customers. At least we have had some prior experience at this level. A little bit of de-ja-vu with a huge amount of “oh my goodness, not again”.
First few days after the announcement I was a bit wobbly again! Same as before…
Then it is like, okay, let’s get moving and be people of action. It is no good to sit and fret,…best to keep on keeping on…. This is what it is.
Back to the shop…..(Closed, but with our Covid Notice on the door....Sign-in register on a plinth blocking entry, together with hand sanitiser and some window treats, tempting some inspirational window shopping.
Courier parcels are being stacked precariously within easy reach of those fighting-fit courier drivers.
New Zealanders do seem to be embracing online shopping. It is a feeling of pure elation to open up the emails in the morning and see that shoppers have been shopping overnight from distant shores to just a few streets up the road and are embracing New Zealand-made.
We are enjoying packaging beautiful pieces to be picked up instore or couriered out to the recipient. All pieces are lovingly gift-wrapped and sent out with our recycled packaging.
We are also receiving in commissioned works for customers and special orders. People are buying gift vouchers, and gift vouchers are being redeemed. Customers ring us and ask that works are placed in the window to view…so they can decide whether to buy.
21st presents are being picked up and work is being framed. Stocktaking is never-ending…we are in the midst of getting our point of Sales and our Website to talk…They have been having a squabble leading up to this stage. This peace-talk will be ground-breaking for us.
So much is happening behind the scenes…. We are all working so hard. Behind the scenes there are Zoom meetings, marketing journeys and web developments.
Work is being photographed at home and uploaded…keeping stock new and fresh. Suppliers are sending in amazing pieces…oh so good!
The Poi Room has so many outstanding ceramic works, such delicious jewellery and outstanding pounamu, so many fantastic prints and painterly paintings, memorising glass pieces and heart-fluttering sculptural works.
All the work we carry instore has had magnificent New Zealand talent bringing it into being. That is what we are about….celebrating and promoting New Zealand work to our united Covid-fighting nation.
We are true to ourselves and stand by the intent and wairua behind our artists’ work. We respect and applaud the conversation around all our individual experiences and our around own up-bringings. There are defining points in each person’s life and these are showcased in the work that we promote and applaud.
We are The Poi Room in partnership with our artists.
We are The Poi Room cherishing our customers.
We are The Poi Room a team nurturing each other.
We are The Poi Room celebrating New Zealand and New Zealand art and object.
We are The Poi Room, being true to our Maori and Pakeha ancestry.
We are The Poi Room - United.
Melanie-Jane xx